1/   Attack                

2/   Adventure      

3/   Aftermath                      

4/   Freddy                           

5/   Hanging By A Thread                   

6/   Bounty Hunter         

7/   Nitemare                            


Stay out of the water.

Extreme danger high flying and sporty.

Military style full of discipline and full of rigour.

Piano generated horror with plenty of suspense.

Horrifying menacing something larking in the shadows.

Car chasing funky dynamic groove.

Scary frightening I wouldn't walk down this ally if I were you.

Soundtracks / Themes
8/   Vigilante Theme          .

9/   Heartbeat        

10/ Control 24                     

11/ Flat Spin                      

12/ Remote Control                   

13/ Jungle - Jungle            
Driving rocky theme.

keep your finger on the pulse.

Hyperactive adventure bubbling with excitement.

With a rush and a whizz catch me if you can.

Turn me on baby.

Safari -Safari.
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